And Tomorrow, Jonah @ Upstart Filmworks Warehouse

Since I’d threatened to mention this yet again…yep, SCR fave, indie-rock hero, Emo Implosion survivor, and all-round nice guy Jonah Matranga will be playing tomorrow night, Tues., March 11th, at a super-duper-D.I.Y. show up in The Heights. It’ll be at pal/SCR collaborator/high-falutin’ filmmaker Mel’s Upstart Filmworks warehouse, 3612 Mangum Rd., #209 (77092), starting around 8PM.

Here’s some more details, courtesy of Mel:

We’re holding the show at my new warehouse/studio: 3612 Mangum Rd, #209, Houston TX 77092. (Just FYI, the address is on Mangum, but the warehouse park entrance is on Tulsa Rd. – the street we live on.)

Here are some easy directions for the end of the journey:
From 290 West, exit Mangum
Right on Mangum
Right on Tulsa
Left into the first business warehouse park on the left.

The show will be very “intimate”, acoustic, no P.A., $6-10 sliding-scale donations as usual. Jonah will start around 8 pm. It might also be a good idea to bring a fold up chair, cushion, or pillow to sit on.

Oddly enough, this sort of thing seems to suit Jonah’s musical style very well — I’ve seen him play several times over the years, and the shows that’ve stuck most firmly in my little brain have been the ones where he’s played sitting on the floor of some theater space or on the front porch of Fitzgerald’s, with a circle of attentive listeners huddled around, either quietly absorbing the vibe or singing along softly. I’ve very rarely run across such an unassuming, down-to-earth artist as this guy, seriously.

Best of all, he knows his way around a song; “Aeroplanes,” the very first song of his that I ever-ever heard, from like 1999, still resonates with me, even almost a full decade on. And that’s pretty much continued throughout — not every album/project (New End Original, Gratitude, Onelinedrawing, etc.) has been necessarily perfect all the way through, mind you, but more of it is great than not, and each time Jonah puts out an album, damn, there’s at least one mind-blowingly incredible song on there. (Off his latest, And, it has to be “Every Mistake,” for me.) If you want to check out some of his songs for yourself, try here and here; the song about Obama’s pretty neat.

Anyway, Mel wanted me to make sure people got that this really is going to be a D.I.Y.-all-the-way show, more like a house show than anything else, but I think that’s the best part of the whole deal. Just a bunch of friends & acquaintances, sitting on blankets on the concrete warehouse floor, everybody smiling & chilling out listening to a guy with a guitar pour his heart out for everybody to hear & see & experience.

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, March 10th, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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