Golden Cities, Golden Cities

It’d be way, way easy to lump Golden Cities in with the whole guitar-heavy, spacey-atmospherics crowd, tag them as Explosions in the Sky 2.0 (3.5?), and move on. I mean, there’s a fair bit of doubled, echoey guitars on here…

Tonight’s Dilemma: mr. Gnome @ Rudz / Papermoons & Bright Men @ The Mink / Dizzypilot & Murdocks @ Walter’s

Yeah, you read that title right — tonight’s another “damn, I wish I had a cloning machine…” night, with great, great things happening all over our (not-so-)fair city… Option Uno: Tops on my list is tonight at Rudyard’s, where Clevelanders mr. Gnome will be blowing the roof off, setting hair on fire, and creeping everybody […]

My Night in Exile: The Church of Philadelphia, The Jealous Girlfriends, ¡alarma!, & Kvalla

Well, I pretty much lucked out, I think, this past Thursday. The wife was having a moms’ group thing (something involving chocolate & a lot of women) at our house, so the munchkin went to Grandma’s for the night & I was banished temporarily from the premises. And lo and behold, in spite of it […]

RBI Recording

Yep, this is the recording studio run by longtime Rudyard’s soundman Joe Omelchuck. I never had the chance to record there myself, but I’ve heard very good things about it, and if Joe’s as good at (and meticulous about) recording bands…

Rudyard’s British Pub

Another of the few “venerable” clubs left in Houston’s sort-of-scene, Rudyard’s is more a bar than a “venue” (as opposed to, say, The Engine Room or Fitzgerald’s…

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