Novillero, Aim Right for the Holes in Their Lives

Funny name, but Novillero’s newest release Aim Right for the Holes in Their Lives, is nothing but serious. These guys mean what they say and they aren’t holding anything back…

P:ano, Brigadoon

The job of the critic, I think, shouldn’t be to say whether or not the critic likes the record so much as to communicate whether or not you would like the record. So let’s say you’re not me. Let’s say you like high-concept stuff like the Decemberists dressing up as pirates but really wish that they would have done it with a Western-style theme…

Immaculate Machine, Ones and Zeros

It’s hard to describe just what kind of music Immaculate Machine would be categorized under — that’s what makes them stand out from other indie bands out there right now. The sweet and innocent lyrics, along with energetic guitar riffs, are what make Ones and Zeroes

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