Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Badass Weekend (Still) + Jon Black + Cordial + For The Community IV + Co-Pilot + Rakim + Valens + More

Holy fucking wow, y’all. Here I thought Friday was pretty jam-packed with shows, but it turns out it’s got nothing on Saturday, February 16th. There’s so damn much going on, I’m not entirely sure where to begin, but here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Bad Ass Weekend + Burned Out IV + The Chieftains + Suzanne Vega + More

Well, dang. Here we are at the weekend, y’all, and it’s looking mighty crazy out there. In case you haven’t heard, there’s the NBA All-Star Game in town, which means there’re a bunch of parties going on and a whole bunch of celebrities floating around the city…

Badass Weekend Is Upon Us, Friday & Saturday

Yep, it’s true; Badass Weekend is well and truly upon us, and it promises to be pretty fucking amazing. “Yeah, yeah — don’t you say that every damn weekend?” Okay, that’s a good point, but in this case I’m talking about one specific show…

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