Surfer Blood, Tarot Classics

Tarot Classics is a six-song EP from the most awesomely-named band Surfer Blood. Despite being about half the length of a normal album (you know, in terms of songs), this is quite possibly one of the finest pieces of music I have ever heard…

WE LIKE THINGS 2010: Amazingness you need to hear & see from last year.

So, the Grammys are well and over, so I guess it’s about time to get the Official Space City Rock Top-Ten Lists of Amazingly Cool Things You Must See/Hear/Whatever (late, late, late, sure, but hey, we meant to do that, alright?). Read it, and obey…

Surfer Blood, Astro Coast

Go buy this album. Right now. Don’t bother reading this review. Honestly, the time it takes you to read this could be better served searching the internet for a good deal on Astro Coast. For the rest of you who enjoy reading a poorly reasoned and misinformed review, continue on…

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