Marc with Nick Hornby (author of High Fidelity, About A Boy and Fever Pitch)
At Brookline Booksmith, Brookline, Massachusetts
July 9, 2001

Why I hate it when others try to use my camera, Exhibit B. Nick Hornby was on a reading tour promoting his (disappointing) latest book How To Be Good, and I actually managed to ask a moderately intelligent question during the Q&A. I made up for it during the signing, though, when I had him sign not only the new book but also my copies of High Fidelity (one of my all-time favorite books) and Speaking With The Angel, the excellent short-story anthology that he edited (that's it just above my right shoulder). And then I asked the guy if I could have a picture (much, I'm sure, to the delight of the fairly long line behind me). Finally aware of how much time I was eating, I neglected to compliment him on his excellent New Yorker review of Radiohead's Kid A, paid for my book and got out of there geekily abashed.

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