
FEATURES (September 2007):
Dan Deacon feature pic
When you first see a name listed on a show site or poster like Dan Deacon, you probably have thoughts in your head of someone pouring their heart out over an acoustic guitar into a smoke-filled room. That would not be what to expect when you come to Walter's on Washington on September 24th, however. Dan Deacon is a one-man dance party full of techno fury and sampling rage... (Dan Deacon is playing 9/24/07 at Walter's on Washington, with White Williams.) [more] || [Josh Macala] || [9/21/07]

LIVE REVIEWS (September 2007):
Buxton feature pic
First off, I'm no pro reviewer or anything. I'm just an average guy who has always liked going to see bands. And I'm always disappointed that more shows don't get reviewed -- if I can't make it to a show, I would like to read about it. Just a note on my musical tastes: I like local bands that are indie or no label, that are artistic, thoughtful, and creative... (Buxton, The Church of Philadelphia, and Hollywood Black are all playing 9/21/07 & 9/22/07 at the La Porte Fall Back Festival, with a ton of other bands. Hollywood Black is also playing 9/28/07 at Walter's on Washington, with The Western Civilization, Papermoons, & Elbows as Weapons.) [more] || [Pedro] || [9/21/07]