Does It Offend You, Yeah?, You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Yourself Into

Does It Offend You, Yeah?, You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into

If you’re a fan of The Faint, you’re either going to really love this album or really hate it. The sound is actually so similar it kind of freaks me out at times; however, I’d say I fall into the category of Faint fans that really love this album. It’s one the best albums I’ve discovered recently and is definitely worth a listen.

Does It Offend You Yeah is a British electronic band that formed in 2006, and You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Yourself Into is the band’s debut album, released in 2008. I don’t think they could have done any better on their first time around. The album is heavy, with a darker feel to it — very dance-punk. You Have No Idea opens with “Battle Royal,” a heavy electronic track with no lyrics; words aren’t needed to grab any eager listener’s attention. When I first listened to the album, I was a little hesitant with how it began — I’m not a huge fan of music with no lyrics, and I tend to get kind of bored. This opening track was different, however. After listening to the entire album, I think beginning the record this way was genius. It captures the essence of the band’s sound, but leaves a little mystery, as well. As the album continues and unfolds, lyrics are added to most of the songs. It’s like the icing on the cake — everything is now complete.

Another track thrown in the middle of the album, “Attack of the 60 Ft Lesbian Octopus,” doesn’t have lyrics but is another fun track. These two lyric-less tracks really work on the album. They’re not slow-moving, experimental tracks that make you want to scream with frustration and hope they’re almost over. This is straight-up, fast-paced electronica, and it works, enough to get any group of people moving at any dance party.

Throwing in lyrics only makes the album better, and to top it off, most of the lyrics are convincing and honest. On one of my favorite tracks, “Dawn of the Dead,” the band sings: “Like the dead that walk before me therein / I can’t believe that you ignore me, such a shame / I didn’t come here to try and hurt you, you hurt me / I’ll never sit back and say, ‘That’ll do,’ I’m afraid.”

There is not a song on this album that I don’t like, and for me, that’s rare. The album is unified in sound, but each song has something different. I can put this album in and listen to it all the way through and still not get enough. Although the album’s sound as a whole is quite similar to many Faint songs, I think You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Yourself Into is more pop than anything The Faint has ever done. The songs are pop-y enough to get stuck in your head after the first time you listen to them. “Epic Last Song,” the final track, is a great way to end the album — it ends even stronger than it began.

I’d say this is one of the best albums from 2008. Does It Offend You, Yeah? is now working on its follow-up album, which is expected to be released sometime this year. I honestly can’t wait to see what the band has in store. I’m only nervous that since the band’s debut album was so great, I may have too high of expectations for the follow-up.

(Columbia Records -- 550 Madison Ave., Fl 26, New York, NY. 10022;; Does It Offend You, Yeah? --
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Friday, August 7th, 2009. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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