Arab on Radar, Sunshine for Shady People

Arab on Radar, Sunshine for Shady People

This may possibly be the worst DVD that I have ever seen. Seriously. I was actually really excited to watch it and hear some great music, but I was very disappointed. The DVD was cheaply made and just consists of the band Arab on Radar carrying around a camcorder on parts of their tours and talking a bunch of crap and swearing every other word. Honestly, it was annoying to watch, and I was only glad that I was doing other things as I watched and didn’t have to devote my full attention to the DVD. The only cool thing about the DVD is the fact that The Locust were on it. Arab on Radar played a show with them. That was cool.

The DVD didn’t even really show the band playing any music, which is obviously why most people would want to pick it up. Yeah, under the “extras” option, there are some of their shows, but the quality, both sound and visual, are terrible. I could find better videos on YouTube.

I had listened to a few Arab on Radar songs before I watched this DVD. They weren’t my favorite band, but I had a good taste in my mouth and would have considered going to a show if I’d gotten a chance to see them before they broke up. This DVD, however, has actually ruined the image I had of them — I now just think they are/were annoying and am relieved I hadn’t ever paid to go see them live as a result.

A lot of the things the band did on the DVD were stupid, immature things already covered by Blink 182 or MTV’s Jackass ten years ago. It wasn’t original or funny at all. I think that even fans of the band wouldn’t enjoy this DVD. I did like the main menu and got excited when that came up; it’s an artsy black and white view of the band with one of their songs playing in the background, and it’s catchy. Unfortunately, I was sadly disappointed by the rest.

The only other good thing I can say is that I love the DVD case that it came in! It’s bright green and yellow and pink. I think I’m going to throw away the DVD and use the case for an art project…

(Three One G -- Post Office Box 178262, San Diego, CA 92177;; Arab on Radar --
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009. Filed under Reviews.

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